Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Pretoria Gauteng

Oxygen Treatment

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the use of 100% oxygen, breathed under pressure (in the extra sized Grand Dive Pro Chamber), which is then delivered deep into diseased and injured tissue via our blood plasma, it’s all about recovery and repair and regeneration.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Near Me, Murrayfield Pretoria

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy is one of the strongest and purest forms of wound, injury and illness treatments available to medicine.

A patient lying or sitting in the pressurised chamber will inhale high concentrations of oxygen, which will dissolve into the blood plasma and deliver oxygen-rich red blood cells deep into diseased and injured tissues.

Repair, recovery and healing by oxygen happen from within the body, and not via the surface. When the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma reaches up to 20 times that of breathing room air at normal pressure, the body begins to form new blood vessels, which will drive additional oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues.

Swelling is reduced, and oxygen has an antibacterial effect at wound sites, in addition to boosting the immune system response. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is especially helpful for smokers, as smoking decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and therefor slows down wound healing, and compromises immunity.

Many studies have shown that complex wounds and surgeries in which there is a high risk of wound healing complications, heal significantly faster after HBOT.


Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Our bodies make fascinating changes when under increased ambient pressure
(in mild Hyperbarics 1,3 ATA) … 
  • Raised levels of oxygen in the blood plasma delivers up to 25 times more oxygen directly to tissues and organs
  • Neuvascularization – growth of new blood vessels is enhanced, to transport oxygen-rich blood
  • 8 Times more Stem cells are produced and mobilised, for the body to use in repair
  • The healing ability (regeneration) of injured cells is increased by at least 30%
  • Mild hypoxia (low oxygen in your tissues) from sinus pressure is improved
  • The severity of allergic reactions, is reduced by lowering levels of IgE (antibodies high cause allergy)
  • Improved energy levels as it combats fatigue
  • Toxins, whether medication, chemotherapy or sport-related, are Flushed out of cells

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can bring about dramatic improvement in many neurological conditions for which medicine has very little to offer other than palliative care.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Traumatic Brain Injury is one of the leading causes of death in the world, and it comes with two complex processes for survivors : The primary injury/impact and secondary injury – a cascade of inflammation and neurotoxic effects in the brain. Neurons which were not part of the original trauma are affected by the ’spread’ of injury as oxygen, blood and energy supply is reduced , and swelling increases There are few approved therapy’s which are able to prevent secondary injury, and stimulate repair. Hyperbaric Oxygen seems to assist Traumatic Brain Injury in many ways

  • suppresses secondary injury by improving blood flow, oxygen (and therefor energy) supply to deprived cells, preventing neuronal loss
  • prevents death of brain cells by reducing oxidative stress
  • studies have shown that HBOT suppresses a number of mediators of inflammation, and increases anti-inflammatory factors in the brain and tissues and reduces cerebral edema
  • increased oxygen saturation to the brain
  • Neuro plasticity is improved and new synaptic circuits are formed – leading to improved loco- and sensorimotor abilities
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy mobilises stem cells, which are recruited to repair damaged brain tissue, and newly generated neurons, and remyelination is increased
hyperbaric oxygen therapy johannesburg for burn wounds
Surgery, Complex Wounds & Burns
Of all the factors involved in healing of complex wounds, diabetic sores, ulcers, gangrene, surgery sites, thermal burns and limb trauma,  oxygen is the most important variable. Our bodies consist of a fine web of connective tissue, through which a network of blood, nerve and lymphatic vessels run, bringing oxygen, and nutrition to every cell. Surgery involves cutting through that web, an accident or burn damages the fine fibres, and a wound is an opening or tear in that connective tissue. In order to repair the network, the body lays down thicker tissue – scar tissue , to protect the area from the trauma is experienced. But (thick) scar tissue has poorer circulation. And when the circulation is poorer, it is more difficult for oxygen to reach damaged tissue and begin the work of healing and repairing it. 
Two sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy before surgery will optimise the oxygenation of the area, by sending extra oxygen through the body. And soon as practical after surgery, 5-10 treatments will really speed up the recovery and healing process, as your blood stream will have additional oxygen – which can be used for healing the wounded area, reducing inflammation, but also growing new blood vessels, which are filled with extra oxygen, and also breaking down scar tissue. Risk of infection is massively reduced as your immune cells will have an additional supply of oxygen. Particularly orthopaedic surgeries, such as knee and hip surgeries respond quickly to Hyperbarics. Risk of infection is massively reduced as your immune cells (leukocytes which are oxygen dependent)  will have an additional supply of oxygen.
In the case of burn wounds, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is routinely used as an adjunct to established burn care. HBOT reduces swelling in burns wounds, has the ability to maintain the health of the tissue around the burn, and prevents partial thickness burns from becoming full thickness, if applied early. 
Sport Preparation, Injury & Recovery

Athletes make extreme demands on their body’s, every day . The three-way demands of training, racing and recovery, drain the body, diminish performance and put athletes at risk of fatigue and ongoing minor injuries.

Training: Adding 25% more oxygen directly to the body, give cells the oxygen it needs to create ATP for energy, and also flushes out lactic acid that causes muscle fatigue. Many sport teams (such as the Blue Bulls) use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy after strenuous training sessions, this recovery ensures their athletes are able to get back on the road, cycle, field or pool with high levels of energy. Additional Hyperbaric Oxygen sessions, shortly before a race or event, will prime the muscles, lungs, blood and brain for a focussed, rested, optimal performance. From Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps (famous for his strict workout and recovery regiments,  used HBOT to help his body recover after tough workouts while training for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London), to Scottish footballers, to rugby players (Andre Joubert and Jean de Villiers) and whole cricket teams,  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is respected  component of a great training programme.

Injury: Pain and niggling injuries are often part of an athlete’s daily experience – the advice to rest and wait for complete healing is not an option! Loading the blood stream with additional pure oxygen in a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber, increases penetration of  damaged tissues as oxygen crosses over all cell membranes, grows new blood vessels (which now have extra oxygen in them) and drains away the lymphatic build-up of injury – this is what gives cells and tissues the ability  to regenerate and heal.

Beyond Active Recovery for Healthy athletes, typical sports-related wounds such as muscle strain, ligament tear, TBI, and concussions heal substantially faster using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is perfect for you if you want faster and super effective recovery whether from an injury or only from your normal training program. It replenishes the body with whats needed to make you go hit your next training sessions hard and fast!

Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussion & Special Needs

Dr. Barry Gillespie tells us that “The brain has to breathe, and the fascia has to be free”, in order for the brain to function healthily. The design of the brain, surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid in a hard skull, means that accident, disease, concussion and surgery can leave the brain in a compressed tight space. The brain is vulnerable to swelling, inflammation, secondary injury, and reduced oxygen levels, once it has been hurt – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy provides a unique solution. HBOT can dramatically and permanently improve symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury months or even many years after the original head injury. Short (one hour) spells of HBOT triggers a variety of healing processes without overwhelming the body’s anti-oxidant system. These include a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, reduction of edema, increased blood flow in tissues, growth of new blood capillaries, stimulation of the immune system, mobilization of stem cells from bone marrow, and axonal regrowth because Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy heals by increasing dissolved oxygen in blood serum. HBOT is the only therapy that directly treats the underlying disease processes of Traumatic Brain Injury (decreased oxygen, decreased blood flow, swelling of the brain and constriction of blood vessels).

Concussion is a form mild traumatic brain injury. The brain has bashed against the inside of the skull, after a blow, fall, knock or hit, and brain, blood vessels and nerve tissues have been damaged. Symptoms may be immediate or take few days to show; repeated concussions cause far-reaching problems in the brain and health, later in life. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy delivers up to twenty times the normal oxygen into the cerebrospinal fluid and blood plasma, healing the injured tissues

Special Needs: In the special needs community, we refer to Brain Injury, and not Brain Damage. Research tells us that children with special needs (whether autism, cerebral palsy or developmental delays) often suffer from decreased cerebral blood flow. The size of our Summit to Sea Grand Dive Pro Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber means that a brain injured child can comfortable sit (or lie) in the chamber with two parents, or carers, who will benefit from the additional oxygen too. The recommendation for brain injury, is to have a block of 40 Hyperbaric sessions, ideally once or twice a week.

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245 Rosalind Road
Pretoria, South Africa

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Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy South Africa


How much does hyperbaric oxygen therapy cost?

A single session costs R450. Bulk packages are available at discounted prices. The more sessions you book, the lower the price.
Who is NOT a candidate for hyperbaric oxygen therapy?
Any person, adult or child, with an ear infection, will find the pressure of the Hyperbaric Chamber, extremely painful. 
People who are undergoing other medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, should ask they doctor for clearance on HBOT, and also a recommendation on how often it should be used.
Wheelchair-bound or immobile people amy find it challenging to get into the Chamber unassisted.
Can you sleep in a hyperbaric chamber?

Many people use the time in the Chamber to sleep, or at least rest. Especially athletes who are recovering from an event, or from extreme training, will use the session int he chamber to rest and sleep .

What should you not wear in a hyperbaric chamber?

No special wear is needed in the chamber – but take into consideration that you will likely be lying down, and climbing in and out at knee height. You will also remove your shoes. During the summer months, it becomes warm in the chamber, and so lighter clothes are recommended. Blankets are provided during the winter months.

Can you take a cell phone into a hyperbaric chamber?

Most clients take a cell phone into the chamber, many take their laptop too. While it is possible to work and use devices in the Chamber, people often fall asleep instead.

Can a hyperbaric chamber help Covid?

It is not appropriate for CoVid patients to come for HBOT, as they pose a risk of contagion to other patients.

Experience has shown that HBOt makes a significant difference to patients, two weeks post_CoVid, especially in improving brain fog and fatigue.

Does hyperbaric chamber help diabetes?

One of the main challenges facing patients with Diabetes, is complex wounds, especially on their feet and legs, as a result of poor circulation.

HBOT improves diabetic sores and complex wounds but improving circulation, stimulating new cell growth, and draining toxins.